Block Arena

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Client Commands Description of the client commands
Server Commands Description of the server commands

The Block Arena on this page is mostly from 2008-2012.

Download Block Arena 0.91 (Windows Binary)

Block Arena is a multiplayer action game (an FPS game) but where the levels are "block worlds". NOTE THAT THERE IS ANOTHER GAME CALLED BLOCK ARENA ON STEAM BUT IT IS NOT THIS ONE. This project was started around 2008. The project is a continuation of the (never fully finished) Infinifrag 2 project that Zach Barth and I made together as undergrads at RPI (so some of the code is quite old)! Once Zach left RPI I took my code from Infinifrag 2 and used it for the creation of Block Arena.

Block Arena is not a finished game. It was a project that I worked on where I developed my own engine and in the process I learned a ton. Much of the code I wrote for Block Arena (and Infinifrag 2) I moved over for the new Fractal Block World in 2012, and that IS a finished game available on Steam.

The idea behind Block Arena is that a block map is easy to build by hand (or procedurally generate), which greatly simplifies level design. The maps themselves are intended to be similar to those in Unreal Tournament or Quake. The block building mechanic is more for the purpose of level design, but this may change when the engine becomes more sophisticated.

This project was basically a vessel to develop my engine. Areas that I worked on were efficient rendering (using the Quad Algorithm), lighting (creating shadow maps), collision detection, player movement, displaying Quake 2 MD2 models, an environment (for variables that the user can change), a command system, and more.

How To Play

To start the server, CD into the main directory and run the following command: "./BlockArena.exe -s GameParams/server_params.txt". As a default, the server uses port 3456. To customize the server (including setting the server password, which is highly recommended), edit the text file GameParams/server_params.txt. In order to create and destroy blocks, the variable debug.level_editor_mode should be set to true.

To start the client, CD into the main directory and run the following command: "./BlockArena.exe -c GameParams/client_params.txt". Client parameters are set in the text file GameParams/client_params.txt. Make sure to set the variable SERVER_IP to the IP address of the server. The most important variable in the file client_params.txt is DISABLE_COMPILED_MAPS. If this is set to true (and the server variable debug.level_editor_mode is set to true), then blocks can be built. If DISABLE_COMPILED_MAPS is set to false, then blocks cannot be built but shadow maps are used for lighting. Currently, blocks should only be built when a single user is using the program because of network issues.


I have not created any of the sounds: they are primarily from I have not created the cross hair texture, the particle texture, or the font texture. I have only included one Quake 2 character model (which I found by digging around online) in order to save space. The code, on the other hand, has all been written from scratch. I have created the ammo box textures as well as many of the block textures.

Special thanks to Zach Barth for many stimulating conversations during the development of Infinifrag 2. I am also very grateful for Jon Brandvein for numerous comments about the software architecture.


In order to customize the client and server, within the client press the "grave" (tilde) key to bring down the terminal. In the terminal, various commands can be entered. Some of the very important commands are help, get, set, cd, pwd and ls. The command help describes what specific commands do. The commands get and set can be used to get and set environment variables. The commands cd, pwd, and ls can be used to navigate through the environment (the environment variables are stored as if in a file system). Compound commands can be entered as LISP style "S expressions".

To connect to the server, type "server" into the terminal. Once connected to the server, you must enter the password of the server. For example, if the password of the server is foobar, then enter the command "password foobar". To go back to client mode, type "client" into the terminal.

Feature List

* The server is started by running the following command from the top directory of BlockArena: "./BlockArena.exe -s GameParams/server_params.txt". If you want, you can specify a different server parameters file.

* Within the server parameters file (by default, "GameParams/server_params.txt") you can set important environment variables for the server. For example, "metagame.port" stores which UDP port the server will try to bind to. Also, "" stores the password that is needed to access the server from the clients.

* The client is started by running the following command from the top directory of BlockArena: "./BlockArena.exe -c GameParams/client_params.txt". If you want, you can specify a different client parameters file.

* Within the client parameters file (by default, "GameParams/client_params.txt") you can set important environment variables for the client. For example, "server.ip" and "server.port" need to be set correctly in order to access the server. Also, the screen width and height should be set to appropriate values (that of the desktop, for example).

* The standard output of the server is redirected to Output/ServerOutput.txt. The standard output of the client is redirected to Output/ClientOutput.txt. Neither the client nor the server should output anything to stderr.

* The engine of Block Arena uses an internal environment for variables as well as a simple LISP-style command system. The user can access the command system from within the client by using the terminal. The terminal can be toggled by hitting the '~' key. That terminal can also be used for accessing the server as well.

* When the server starts up, by default the script "GameParams/Scripts/s_startup.txt" is processed. Each line should be a command for the terminal. Whenever a new game starts, by default the script "GameParams/Scripts/s_begin_game.txt" is run. Similar scripts exist for the client. It is recommended that you modify these scripts to customize your setup.

* After starting up the server first and then running the client to connect to the server, you should spawn into a map. You should be able to move around.

* Keyboard keys can be bound to different actions. To change what pressing the 'w' key down does, for example, modify the environment variable "bind.i.KEY_W.down". Alternatively, one can use the "bind" command.

* You can change the appearance of the crosshair by changing the environment variables that start with "view.crosshair".

* To enable debug mode, set "engine.debug" to true. This will dislay the quads the are rendered in randomly chosen colors.

* Within the client, you can toggle the terminal by hitting the '~' key. Within that terminal, you can switch back and forth between entering commands to your client and entering commands to the server (assuming you have permission to access the server). Use the command "ls" to list environment variables. You can use tab completion. Green means it is a "name directory". You can use the command "set" to set an environment variable, and "get" to get its value. You can use the command "let" to create environment variables, but they must begin with "home.". The command "ls" can also be used to display the value of environment variables by using the "v" option. You can use the command "help" to list all of the commands. By typing "help COMMAND", you will get information about the command COMMAND. You can read all of this help information in an anto-generated html file. In fact, you can generate this yourself by running the command "gendoc". This can be done in both the client and the server.