Fractal Block World
Speedrun Info
Here is some info about speedrunning the game.
My Personal Best
My best speedrun (of the Xar Classic version)
on Tranquility difficulty (the bunny picture)
was 1 hour 12 minutes.
My best speedrun (of the Xar Classic version)
on Normal difficulty (the purple cat picture)
was 2 hours 6 minutes.
My best speedrun (of the Xar Classic version)
on Gateway difficulty (the bridge picture)
was 4 hours 21 minutes.
Now let us talk about other people's speed runs.
Tranquility Difficulty Speedruns
OrangE made the first speedrun video
for the Tranquility difficulty with a time of 1:06:49.
He did not die or load.
He currently has the world record in this category.
IffyFlux then beat OrangE's Tranquility difficulty record
in this video
for a time of 39:31.
IffyFlux first went to the Large White Flower under the starting
Ying World Island and completed the maze entrance.
This got IffyFlux the Jade Armor and several upgrades.
XenoBeam then beat that time with
this run in 38:08.
Inf2 Speedruns
If you open the console in game and type the command "inf2",
it turns on gravity and the ability to create and destroy blocks.
Also, you have a weapon which grabs the block type of whatever
block you are looking at, and you can then place blocks
of that type.
With this inf2 mode enabled, Xeno Beam as accomplished
speedrun in 2:31 seconds.
It is trully mind bending.