Fractal Block World
Xar Videos
Xar is the name for the standard world (package)
that comes with the game.
However we encourage users to create their own worlds
to be run with this engine.
This page contains videos associated to the Xar package.
Here is 1) the current trailer and
2) the trailer for the earlier "genesis" version
of the game where there are no monsters or fighting.
Menger Sponge Growing and Shrinking
Here are two non-combat fractal videos
(exploration only) of the Menger sponge
(or rather, a slight variant of it).
In the first video we start deep inside a Menger sponge
and then grow 100 times to leave it.
In the second video we shrink to a level 100 Menger sponge.
At the end of the second video, we teleport to
level 1000 of a Menger sponge. Woah!
Menger Sponge Battles
Not only can you explore fractals in this game,
you can engage in epic battles in them.
Here is a battle inside a Menger sponge.