Fractal Block World Packages
What are packges and how to install them?
A "package" is an additional world you can install into the
Fractal Block World program.
It can have its own areas, monsters, and weapons.
You can create your own packages.
To install a package, consider the following.
Suppose you want to install a package which is in a
zip file called "".
First, unzip the file to create the folder called
Then open up Steam, select the Fractal Block World game
in your library, then click the gear and click "Properties...".
Then go to "Install Files" and then "Browse...".
This should open the game's main folder with subfolders called
"Bin", "Data", "Input", "Misc", and "Output".
Open up the "Data/Packages" subfolder and place the treeclimb folder there.
Now there should be the folder Data/Packages/treeclimb".
If you start the Fractal Block World program and create a new game,
you should be able to select the "treeclimb" package.
Input/Packages Directory Packages:
In addition to putting packages in the Data/Packages directory,
you can also put them in the Input/Packages directory.
The basic idea is that
if a package in the Input/Packages directory has
the same name X as one in the Input/Packages directory,
the Input one will be applied after the Data one whenever the
player loads a game for the X package.
Help! I am a beginner but I want to make my own world!
Creation Manual First, download the creation manual.
Read that when needed.
Next, install the package package tutorial 1
and play it to learn how to make your own package.
If you want to make a package with gravity, also play and install and play the
package package tutorial 2".
These are in the list of "Tutorial Packages" below.
When you are ready to make your own package, make a copy of the
blank package.
This can be found in the list of "Stub Packages" below.
If you want to make a game with gravity, make a copy of the
blank gravity package and install it.
Add to and modify this new package to create your world.
More about Packages
Texture Pack Demo.
See here for how to make your own
"texture pack" package which overrides the
textures in Data/Packages/xar
(you can override any texture you want).
See here for how to add custom music to a packge.
Xar Block Overrides.
Blocks of the xar package are generated by C++ code
that modders do not have access to.
However you can have it so that specified (C++) xar block
types are replaced with Lua block scripts.
Xar Chunk Edit.
This package is used to edit a chunk while in game
(there are simple tools for creating blocks).
Then you can run the command "snap" to
take that chunk and auto generate Lua code
for a block script for that chunk.
Package Categories
Fundamental Packages.
Main Playable Packages.
Tutorial Packages.
Stub Packages.