Fractal Block World

Version 1.01.16 Remarks

The youtuber MarriedToMyChair made a video on youtube with many great suggestions. We will explain here some of the changes we made.

Intended Game Difficulty

After his analysis, we made the "purple cat" difficulty the standard difficulty, and all harder difficulties require a password. The next harder difficulty was called "normal", but the name was misleading. It is hard. It is now called "gateway".

Backing Rocket and Nuke Better in Mid Game

At the end of this 30 hour play through, the farthest MarriedToMyChair had gotten to was I2 but his rocket and nuke were not very useful. There was also not enough ammo for them. The rocket and nuke are improved at a fast rate in I3, and when we play the game, we usually try to go quickly to I3 without using our rocket or nuke at all before this point. With this strategy, we skip many areas leading up to I3. The game was not designed for the player to stay in one area until it is easy, and then the player goes on to the next area. Instead the player must push forward and go ahead, doubling back as certain weapons are advanced in later areas.

We see that this is counterintuitive, and we also see the appeal of the strategy where the player stays in the midway part of the world improves their rocket weapon (at a medium rate). For this reason, the rocket (and nuke) now have more upgrades in Midway (and even a couple in the Ying World). Many treasure areas have one or two rocket/nuke upgrades in addition to their main upgrades, so that the rocket and nuke gradually get better no matter what strategy the player uses. Also, the rocket and nuke now have a higher starting velocity.

One-Way Shrinkers

MarriedToMyChair wanted an indication of when a shrinker would be "one-way", causing the player to immediately not be able to enlarge back. This is a great suggestion and so we created the shrinker with the skull and crossbones.

White Box Devices and One-Way Waypoints

I am counting this as one thing, but two very closely related things MarriedToMyChair did not like were one-way waypoints and white box devices. First, let me explain why we had these:

One way to deal with "ammo next to waypoints" issue is to " simply not have ammo next to waypoints. However this would in many cases negatively impact level design.

The solution we devised was, in certain places, to have a new kind of ammo that does not respawn when you pick it up.

Note in some places we had an in-only waypoint next to ammo because we DID want the player to travel back there to get the ammo but then go on an interesting journey to leave with the ammo.

As a result of the change made in 1.01.16, there are now less one-way waypoints (which gives the player a feeling of control as they more through the world).

In terms of white box devices, MarriedToMyChair suggested replacing them with doors that you have to pay a toll to get through. We made these doors stay open forever once the player pays the toll. We wanted to do this for a while, but I finally got around to it. These doors which go away once you pay the toll are the first examples of places in the xar game where blocks change! This technology did not exist in the game until 2023.

In some places we simply replaced a white box device with a toll door. In other places, we kept the white box device but gave the option to use a toll door right next to it. There are now only a few places with a white box device but no toll door.