Fractal Block World
Version 1.01.0
The procedural world generation will now occur in multiple threads.
This will greatly speed up exploration.
This change required changing random number generation,
which changes the world.
If you have old saved games, you will need to "reboot" them by
This will start you back at the beginning of the world (the starting position)
and will remove your waypoints, but you will keep all your
upgrades, weapons, gold, and trophies.
We also improved the algorithm to create the
starting position.
Version 1.01.07:
- Date: July 2022
- Switched the C++ compiler from MSYS to MinGW.
This will improve performance.
Changed the difficulties easier than normal mode.
Now there is relaxing mode
(200% damage to enemies and 50% damage from enemies)
and tranquility mode
(400% damage to enemies, 25% damage from enemies,
every upgrades counts as 2 upgrades,
and the player gets twice as much experience).
To make the game easier,
the player now starts the game in relaxing mode.
The player can change game difficulty at any time
Changed the in game menu slightly so now the
package top menu can be opened by pressing F1.
Version 1.01.06:
- Simplified the key binding system.
In the old system, you might bind
W.down to MOVE_FORWARD_START and bind
Now, you simply bind W to MOVE_FORWARD.
That is, the MOVE_FORWARD action has
both a primary and a secondary command:
the primary command is executed during
the corresponding key down event,
and the secondary command is executed during
the corresponding key up event.
Also, the user can easily bind a key to
an action by going to
- Updated the very beginning of the tutorial.
Now, when the player uses blue rings to get out
of Happy Land, they will be brought right to the
entrance of Happy Land.
- Added map rooms to the main forest of I3.
These rooms show surrounding areas of interest
to the player.
These rooms will improve speed runs of the game
at the stage where the player needs to find the entrance to Hell.
- Added a new area: the Beta Menger Sponge.
This is a good place to get Nuke and Minigun Projectile Speed
It is challenging and the combat is intense.
It can be found in the Mylantis Top City.
- Modified the saving and loading of multi-level entities.
Now, the offset of a moving entity is always relative to the
"base chunk" of the moving entity.
The base chunk of a moving entity is the unique chunk which contains
the entity whose level is the min level of the entity.
- Fixed a memory issue concerning the storage of blocks.
- Added more trophies.
Version 1.01.05:
The primary fire of the laser now freezes enemies for
a certain amount of time.
The exact amount of time depends on the number of
"Freeze Time" upgrades for the laser weapon.
We removed laser fire rate upgrades from the game
and now the laser has a fixed fire rate.
The secondary fire of the minigun now has a poison effect
that does damage worth 20 primary shots.
The poison effect lasts for 10 seconds.
If a monster is hit with two such primary shots,
then the poison will last 20 seconds, etc.
This way the secondary fire has a very low
damage per second but a very high damage per ammo.
For each weapon, there is now a room describing where to find
upgrades for that weapon.
The location of these rooms is described in the I1 Library.
Now certain particle effects do not spawn any particles
that are too close to the player.
This makes the homing rocket, railgun, and nuke block the
player's vision less.
We fixed a rendering bug that affected particles being
rendered after glass textures.
The player now telefrags any moving entity that
the player teleports into
(even if the entity is much larger than the player).
The main menu now tells the user if the game's window
is not in focus.
The user can now choose whether requesting a screenshot
in the game will use the game's own screenshot function
or whether the game will trigger Steam to take a screenshot.
There is now a cave system at the center of each Mahogany tree in I3.
The gold the player gets for selling health at a sell station
is now based on the percentage of the player's max health.
The max gold a player can get for selling health is 150.
Changed the price of upgrades at upgrade stations.
Added more trophies.
Version 1.01.04:
There is now a bonus every time the player levels up 10 levels.
This will allow the player to get some advanced upgrades
regardless of where they explore.
We converted more game variables from 32 bit to 64 bit.
We modified the saving and loading of multi-level entities.
Version 1.01.03:
The secondary fire of the cannon now has a chaining effect:
once the cannon ball kills an enemy,
it continues to the next closest target.
We increased the initial max ammo of the homing rockets to 200
instead of 20.
We made each homing rocket max ammo upgrade increase the max ammo
by 10 instead of 5.
We decreased huge ammo boxes from 10,000 rockets to 2,000 rockets.
Made the game clock use 64 bits instead of 32 bits,
fixing issues that occur then the game time is large.
Added to Small White Flowers that are inside Alpha Cubes.
Added shortcut into Large White Flowers.
Added more trophies.
Version 1.01.02:
Doubled the damage of homing rockets.
Made it more clear when the user has maxed out
one of the attributes of their weapons,
in both the F1 and F2 menus.
(If an attribute is maxed out, it is in green.
If an attribute is not yet maxed out, it is in yellow.
An attribute that cannot be maxed out is in the normal color).
Decreased the resolution of extremely large images.
Made it so there is only one Secret Farmhouse
(Dan's House) but significantly increased the treasure in it.
Added Sapphire Mazes to the Laser Genesis Planet.
Added Amethyst Mazes to the bottom of Mylantis
(in the Red Homing Rocket Caves).
Added more trophies.
Version 1.01.01:
Added the ability to invert the
y-component of the mouse.
Version 1.01.00:
- Date: December 2021
As described at the top of the page,
the procedural world generation will now occur in multiple threads.
This will greatly speed up exploration.